person i would like to meet
The person i would like to meet, actually is dead, but i really would like to meet he.
Pedro Lemebel was a writer, artist and fighter for rights of divergences
He was an important voice to a lot of people, and with his chronicles show a reality that Chile has never talk. In the dictatorship he found "Las Yeguas el Apocalipsis", do a lot of performances and interventions
Then he participate in community radio, papers and always on protest
He has a powerfull write, his stories are so well told. From my point of view, he is one of the best writers in spanish lenguage, with Roberto Bolaño, who was a close friend to Pedro
I like her because was so brave, and his work open a door that no exist before. The world needs people like Lemebel to do a better place, to figh injustice and prejudices
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