My Life Soundtrack
I remember when i was a kid, four or five years old, i usually listened the radio in my home. In my typical day, in the morning my grand mother turn on the radio and keep playing music of diferent radio station. Juan Gabriel, Marco Antonio Solis, Los Angeles Negros, part of the soundtrack of my life in that time. Then, also my mother have a big influence on my musical taste, with bands like guns n roses, she always listened on the car radio when we goto to the eschool in the morning. In home sometimes she listened silvio rodriguez to. Exist two bands who change my life, when i was fiveteen i discover Nirvana. After that i begin to love the rock, thas was the soundtrack of my life, first partys, discover a lot of things of life. After my first relantionship, i was sad. My girlfriend dont love anymore and i dont understand why. In that time i begin to listen more chilean rock, then i listen for first time to Los Tres, and i lover them. Fome is the best disc i ever listen, and ...